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Pencairan Tunjangan Hari Raya dan Gaji Bulan Tahun 2024: Mungkinkah Bersamaan dengan Penghasilan Bulanan?

Perbincangan intens seputar Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR) bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan pensiunan pada tahun 2024 tengah mencuat ke permukaan. Kepentingan yang tumbuh seiring kemungkinan pencairan THR secara bersamaan dengan penerimaan gaji bulan menimbulkan keraguan dan keingintahuan yang beragam di kalangan masyarakat. Isu ini menjadi sorotan utama, dengan banyak pihak ingin memahami implikasi dan perubahan yang mungkin terjadi dalam hal penyaluran THR. Keberagaman pertanyaan yang muncul seputar potensi pencairan THR menandakan kompleksitas situasi ini. PNS dan pensiunan, sebagai pihak yang terkait langsung, merasa perlu untuk mendalami informasi terkini agar dapat memahami seluk-beluk keputusan yang akan diambil terkait jadwal pencairan ini. Oleh karena itu, mari kita menggali lebih dalam dengan cermat untuk menyingkap segala aspek yang mungkin memengaruhi realisasi Tunjangan Hari Raya pada tahun 2024 dan bagaimana hal tersebut berkaitan dengan penerimaan gaji bulan. Isu seputar

ICC introduces its first-ever training and educational initiatives to enhance everyone's cricket-playing experience.

ICC introduces its first-ever training and educational initiatives to enhance everyone's cricket-playing experience.

ICC introduces its first-ever training and educational initiatives to enhance everyone's cricket-playing experience.

  • The International Cricket Council (ICC) introduced the ICC Coaching Foundation Certificate in October 2021. This online course is free and open to all prospective cricket coaches worldwide.
  • The foundational coaching course is offered in nine different languages.
  • Online enrollment for ICC courses has already attracted 9,500 active students.
  • 90 ICC Member countries have accredited more than 3,200 international students.
  • To provide ICC courses all across the world, more than 170 ICC Coach Tutors have received training.

In November 2021, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) released its Global Growth Strategy, which aims to revolutionary growth in participation throughout the 108 ICC Member nations by giving Members access to world-class participation programs.

9,500 active students have enrolled in ICC education courses online over the past 12 months, representing 90 Member countries and increasing the availability of coaching materials to support the vision of more players, more spectators, and more countries enjoying cricket.

ICC Foundation Certificate in Coaching

The ICC Coaching Foundation Certificate, an introductory coaching course, was the first program made available to aspiring coaches. The qualification, which was introduced in October 2021 as the first stage in the ICC's coach education pathway, has now been successfully completed by over 3,200 students.

The goal of the course is to teach students to the foundations of cricket so they can assist qualified coaches in leading engaging cricket sessions for new and inexperienced participants.

This revolutionary micro-learning approach, which enables courses to be completed at any pace and through condensed, focused modules whether at home on a computer or on the go via a mobile device, is used to deliver the course, which is entirely online and completely free to access. Additionally, there are nine languages represented by the resource: Arabic, English, French, German, Indonesian Bahasa, Portuguese, Sinhalese, Spanish, and Tamil.

Level 1 ICC Coaching Course

The ICC has expanded its coach education offering with the ICC Coaching Course Level 1, which went live in March 2022, working in partnership with ICC Members such as Cricket West Indies and the Asian Cricket Council on curriculum development and Cricket Australia on Member workforce training. This comes after the successful launch of the ICC Coaching Foundation Certificate.

The course, which is delivered using a blended learning strategy that combines online and in-person instruction, allows students to conduct coaching sessions with novice participants on their own and includes more in-depth technical knowledge on topics like batting, bowling, and fielding.

In its early phases, more than 200 people have already received certification as ICC Level 1 coaches, and it is anticipated that over 1,000 people will have earned the accreditation by the end of 2022. A worldwide team of ICC Master Educators (16) and ICC Tutors (over 170) who are certified to teach and certify these courses in ICC Member nations, and who span all five regions, is contributing to the success of this course.

Following the delivery of Level 1 courses, Bahrain, Indonesia, Jersey, Mongolia, Netherlands, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, and the USA are among the nations that have already certified new ICC authorized coaches, demonstrating the certification's attractiveness on a global scale.

William Glenwright, the ICC's General Manager for Development, commented on the program's accomplishments thus far, saying, "ICC Members have told us that extending access to coach, umpire, and pitch curator training programmes is one of the biggest objectives for the future of the game. As a result, we have spent the past two years developing the ICC's first-ever comprehensive Training and Education Programme in collaboration with some of the world's top specialists in sport education.

"Increasing the quantity and caliber of coaches, umpires, and pitch curators across all Member nations is essential to achieving our goal of enhancing the playing experience for players at all levels of the game. In order to accomplish this, we must guarantee that Members have access to a top-notch educational program and a skilled personnel to provide these courses when and when they are needed. Although the program is still in its early stages of implementation, the feedback from Members and participants alike suggests that we are headed in the right direction.

Indonesia is one of the nations that has benefited from the introduction of ICC Training and Education programs. Since the ICC courses went live in October 2021, they have utilized the tools as a platform to address the nation's skyrocketing participation rates as the sport gains more and more traction every day. The ICC Coaching Foundation Certificate was a huge success, and Persatuan Cricket Indonesia used it as the foundation to develop and fortify local cricket communities.

In addition to 16 new ICC qualified Tutors, 14 of whom are female alumni of the 100% Coach Tutor Workshop that took place in July, they recently delivered workshops to certify ICC Level 1 Coaches. The success of this program, which includes provincial coaches, PE instructors, and members of the national team, underlines the growing importance of women's cricket in the nation. By the end of 2022, more women are expected to become ICC accredited coaches and tutors in time for the country's first-ever ICC global event—the ICC U19 Women's T20 World Cup.

The head coach of the Indonesian national team, Nuwan Shiroman, commented on the availability of ICC programs in the nation: "Launching the ICC Foundation Certificate and Coach Tutor Programme came at an opportune moment in Indonesia as we had just hosted the ICC U19 Women's Regional Qualifiers. In this, the world's fourth most populous nation, winning this maiden event has encouraged more youth to play cricket. All of the qualified ICC Tutors from this program have already been given the responsibility of assisting a sizable number of people in pursuing careers in cricket.


The ICC Coaching Course Levels 2 and 3 as well as courses for prospective match officials in the form of the Umpiring Foundation Certificate, Level 1 and Level 2 certifications are currently being finalized to help expand and strengthen cricket communities throughout the world. It's anticipated that all of these approved courses will be offered in 2023.

The ICC Pitch Curator Foundation Course, a course created to give groundskeepers a foundational understanding of the job, is currently available online. This will mark the beginning of the development process for people who want to construct and maintain turf cricket fields all over the world.


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